
User Guide

Kaizen is a simple todo desktop app that you can use to keep track of your tasks via the Command Line Interface (CLI).

Quick start

  1. Ensure that you have java 11 and above installed on your desktop.
  2. Copy the duke.jar to your designated folder on your desktop.
  3. Open your terminal and navigate to the designated folder containing duke.jar.
  4. Run java -jar duke.jar to start the program.


  1. Adding tasks to the program
  2. Listing tasks
  3. Marking tasks as done
  4. Finding tasks
  5. Deleting tasks
  6. Clearing of all tasks at one go
  7. Exiting the Program
  8. Storing and Retrieving tasks

Feature Details

1. Adding tasks

There are three types of tasks that the user can enter into the program:

  1. Todo
  2. Deadline
  3. Event

todo or t - Adding a Todo task

Format: todo TODO_DESCRIPTION or t TODO_DESCRIPTION Adds a Todo task to the program.
The description of the todo task is written in the TODO_DESCRIPTION.
TODO_DESCRIPTION cannot be left blank.

Example of Usage:

todo buy wasabi for dinner

Expected Outcome:

Hai! I have added this task to your list:
[TODO] [X] buy wasabi for dinner
You now have 1 tasks in your list. Gambatte!

deadline or d - Adding a Deadline task

The description of the deadline task is written in the DEADLINE_DESCRIPTION. The Deadline date is written in the DEADLINE_ENDDATE. DEADLINE_ENDDATE must be written in YYYY-MM-DD format.
The Deadline time is written in the DEADLINE_END TIME. DEADLINE_ENDTIME must be written in HH:MM format.
All of DEADLINE_DESCRIPTION and DEADLINE_ENDDATE cannot be left blank.

Example of Usage:

deadline submit report on a Studio Ghibli film /by 2020-12-15 23:59

Expected Outcome:

Hai! I have added this task to your list:
[DEADLINE] [X] submit report on a Studio Ghibli film (by: 15 December 2020 11:59pm)  
You now have 2 tasks in your list. Gambatte!

event or e - Adding an Event task

Adds an event task to the program. The description of the event task is written in the EVENT_DESCRIPTION.
The details of where and when the event is held is written in the EVENT_AT.

Example of Usage:

event Go watch Olympics /at Tokyo 2021

Expected Outcome:

Hai! I have added this task to your list:
[EVENT] [X] event Go watch Olympics (at: Tokyo 2021)
You now have 3 tasks in your list. Gambatte!

2. list or ls - Listing tasks

Format: list or ls Lists all tasks currently stored in the program.
Example of Usage:


Expected Outcome:

Here are your tasks!
1. [TODO] [X] buy wasabi for dinner
2. [DEADLINE] [X] submit report on a Studio Ghibli film (by: 15 December 2020 11:59pm)  
3. [EVENT] [X] event Go watch Olympics (at: Tokyo 2021)

3. done - Marking tasks as done

Format: done TASK_INDEX
The designated task number is entered in TASK_INDEX Marks a designated task as done, turning the [X] into a [✓].
Example of Usage:

done 1

Expected Outcome:

Sugoi! This task is done!
[TODO] [✓] buy wasabi for dinner

4. find - Finding tasks

Format: find KEYWORD
The keyword of the task is entered in KEYWORD.
The program will return all tasks with descriptions partially or fully matching KEYWORD.
Example of Usage:

find film

Expected Outcome:

Here are all the matching tasks in your list:
2. [DEADLINE] [X] submit report on a Studio Ghibli film (by: 15 December 2020 11:59pm)

5. delete - Deleting tasks

Format: delete TASK_INDEX
The designated task number is entered in TASK_INDEX The program will delete the corresponding task
Example of Usage:

delete 1

Expected Outcome:

Hai! This task has been deleted!  
[TODO] [✓] buy wasabi for dinner
You now have 2 tasks in your list. Gambatte!

6. clear - Clearing of all tasks at one go

Format: clear
Program will wipe out all current tasks
Example of Usage:


Expected Outcome:

All your tasks have been removed!

6. bye - Exiting the program

Example of Usage:


Expected Outcome: Exits the program

7. Storing of tasks

The data in the program persists even after you close the program.
When you re-open the program again, the tasks from the previous run will be loaded onto the program again.